It can take up to 5-6 working days to get your order out the door. We know that orders can often be rather urgent. We have set up a system to get the order shipped to our customers as soon as possible. Usually, our processing time is 4 working days or less, but this may vary based on different locations.
We ship via FED EX, SPOT ON & PROFESSIONAL COURIER Monday - Saturday. These carriers also observe most national holidays, so that may affect shipping times.
If you order online, we’ll send you a notification when your order has shipped. If it’s been 48 hours and you still haven’t heard from us, please let us know.
Yes! We are able to ship coffee internationally. However, we are not yet set up to ship international orders via our website. We are happy to process your order over the phone and ship via International courier partners.
Feel free to email with your billing and shipping addresses and your phone number, and which products you would like. We can work up a shipping quote once we have your address and an approximate idea of what you’d like to order. We can be reached at +91 8977012083, Monday-Friday, 10am to 6pm.
We ship via FED EX, SPOT ON & PROFESSIONAL COURIER Monday - Saturday. These carriers also observe most national holidays, so that may affect shipping times.
If you order online, we’ll send you a notification when your order has shipped. If it’s been 48 hours and you still haven’t heard from us, please let us know.
Yes! We are able to ship coffee internationally. However, we are not yet set up to ship international orders via our website. We are happy to process your order over the phone and ship via International courier partners.
Feel free to email with your billing and shipping addresses and your phone number, and which products you would like. We can work up a shipping quote once we have your address and an approximate idea of what you’d like to order. We can be reached at +91 8977012083, Monday-Friday, 10am to 6pm.